A Foot in the Door - a current site dedicated to placing entry level employees looking for some help.
The Last Bookstore LA - a very cool bookstore in need of some gentle UX caring - a site redesign project.
Medegenda - a conceptual app designed to facilitate communication and time spent during doctor visits.
Piper Republic - a multimedia site delivering information on sustainable architecture - site and branding project.
UX Designer
David Inman
“It’s such a fine line between stupid and clever.”
-David St. Hubbins,
Spinal Tap
My blend of passion, creativity, and future vision brings a holistic approach to my design work.
I believe that all outstanding, lasting user experiences are born from a perfect mix of form, function, and messaging and strive to incorporate them into my projects.
“Design is so simple, that’s
why it’s complicated.”
-Paul Rand